Care transport

Every day, Werotax transports numerous patients from and to various treatment centers from all over the country. Thanks to our years of experience in carrying out care transport, you can count on a safe and comfortable ride, provided by an experienced and qualified driver. We organize transport for all health insurers.

Taxi company Werotax organizes transport for all health insurers. To be able to use healthcare transport, you must submit an application for seated patient transport with your health care insurer. If you wish, you can get support from one of our employees. Payment takes place directly through your health insurer or via a claim form. You will receive information about this in advance via our office. Please also take into account a mandatory annual personal contribution.

Our drivers all have the compulsory taxi diploma, social skills, target group transport and are in possession of the diploma lifesaving action. You can expect help and support from your driver during transport.

Conditions of reimbursement

Do you need care and do you need to go to a hospital, independent treatment center or other care institution? And will you receive this treatment from your basic insurance? Then you will be reimbursed for travel expenses within the Netherlands if:

  • You depend on a wheelchair.
  • You must undergo kidney dialysis treatment.
  • You have a malignant condition and have to undergo an oncological treatment with chemotherapy, radiotherapy or immunotherapy.
  • You can not travel alone due to your visual impairment.
  • Your child receives intensive childcare and the transport to a nursery nursery is medically necessary.
  • You need transport for treatment of a long-term illness or condition. You will receive this reimbursement if you cover more than 1000 km per 12 months for the single journey from your home to the care institution (hardship clause)

From 1 January 2019, travel expenses will also be reimbursed for transport to consultations, examinations and controls if these are necessary for the treatment.

order care transport

Taxi company Werotax drives include:

• Achmea• InTwente• Stad Holland• Anderzorg• IZA Zorgverzekeraar• Zorgverzekeraar• AON• IZZ Zorgverzekering• Studenten Goed Verzekerd• Avéro• Just• UnitedConsumers• Bewuzt• Menzis• Univé• CZ• Nationale Nederlanden• VGZ• De Amersfoortse• OHRA• VvAA• De Friesland Zorgverz.• ONVZ• ZEKUR• Ditzo• OZF Achmea• ZieZo van Zilveren Kruis• DSW• PMA• Zilveren Kruis• FBTO• PNOzorg• ZorgDirect• HEMA• Pro Life• Zorgverzekeraar UMC• Interpolis• Salland zorgverzekeringen


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K.P. uit Valkenswaard

Ik wil jullie hartelijk bedanken voor de fijne ritten die ik bij jullie gehad heb. Leuke, veelzijdige gesprekken met goede attente taxichauffeurs. Altijd een prima planning, respect voor jullie planners, ik weet hoe moeilijk het is om goed maar ook efficiënt te plannen. Het uiteindelijke bedrijfsresultaat is hier een hele grote belangrijke factor in. Heel knap hoor. Complimenten voor jullie bedrijf.

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