Book a taxi


We have 30 years of experience, which is why we can provide you with the service you deserve. Because we also have 30 years of experience in wheelchair transport, you can rightly call us an expert in healthcare transport. Our drivers are specially trained for vulnerable clients, and we also pay a lot of attention to the training of our business drivers. In all situations, we have a well-trained driver who is ready for you as soon as you need us. If you have a special occasion or a special transport wish, we are happy to think along with you and provide suitable transport for your specific situation!

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Why Werotax?

  • Safe and comfortable vehicles
  • Good quality at a fair price
  • Well-trained, customer-friendly drivers
  • Easily and quickly book your taxi online
  • Pay with cash, debit card or credit card


Alexandra te Riele

Vanwege een gebroken schouder ben ik zes weken lang met de taxi naar mijn werk gegaan. De chauffeurs waren altijd heel vriendelijk en beleefd, hielden deuren open en gaven gordels aan en reden rustig, wel fijn met een niet ingegipste breuk. De centrale was heel flexibel als er tijden wijzigden. Ik ben heel tevreden!

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